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2007. 10. 4. 08:33
사용자 삽입 이미지

Mr. Chen Yu Lin (Taiwan)

Title: Autumnal colors

Evaluation: The Grand Prize winner layout is a relatively orthodox style, using Ouko stone as a layout material, and planting Glossostigma in the foreground, and Rotala nanjean in the background. Before anything, the composition balance and color impact are excellent in this layout. Especially the balance of beautifully trimmed right-and-left background thickets is excellent, and they created a depth in the layout. Even though only Rotala nanjean is used for the stemmed plants thicket, they show variation of slight color difference from gentle red to yellow green. This layout is a compelling, profound layout.

His Comment: Upon hearing that I received the grand prize, tears came to my eyes. I am very appreciative to the judges for giving me such a great honor. I became interested in aquariums about 5 years ago. I like ecological aquaria such as planted tanks and reef tanks. I have focused on aqua plant layouts for the last two years. This is my second entry in the ADA contest. I cannot find the correct words to describe my excitement. I think I will enjoy this hobby for my whole life.

Aquarium Tank: W90xD45xH45 (cm)

Aquatic Plants:
Rotala nanjean
Glossostigma elatinoides
Eleocharis parvula

Fish& Invertebrates:
Hemigrammus bleheri
Caridina multidentata